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Jayson's Expecting Page

I'M A BOY!!!

I have a name now! It is Jayson. I am due in April 2005.

9w u/s pic. Doesn't look like much yet!

November 9, 2004 (almost 18 weeks): Everything is going great, Mommy has been starting to feel me move around. Quad screen results are normal (test for birth defects). My heartrate sounds very BLUE! We will see very soon, 11/11!

November 11, 2004 (18 weeks): Mommy went to have a Level 2 ultrasound done to check me out! My mommy and daddy got to see what I look like. They looked at my brain and my heart etc and everything looks great!! Only thing that could potentially be a problem, BUT NOT to the baby health-wise, is right now the placenta is over the cervix, and if it doesn't pull up as the uterus expands, then that is a condition called placenta previa and the baby would not be able to be born vaginally (as he would have no way out), and I would need to have a c-section. I will hope that things will change between now and then though.

Here are 18 week pictures:





He's giving thumbs Up!

No room in here! I'm Squished!

Foot with cord next to it

For those that would like to see, here is the "proof shot"! They are certain that it is definitely a boy!



December 2004: We had a fetal echocardiogram on Dec 10th and all was well with the baby! Here are pictures from that day (22 weeks):




Dec 28, 2004: We had a REALLY neat 4D ultrasound! Pictures are here!

Jayson was born in April 2005!!!