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Rachel Elizabeth's Birth Story

My water broke around 7:30pm on May 18th, my due date. I was kinda scared because the water was pink, not clear like I thought it would be (dr said that was fine). I went into the hospital and they gave me until midnight to start a pattern of contractions on my own and if not then I would get pitocin. Also, I was checked and I had not dialated yet and was still pretty thick. Contractions were coming 5 mins apart but they slowed down and I was given pitocin, which they upped the dosage on a few times after that.

Progression was slow and it was really rough waiting for the epidural so I had Stadol to tide me over. It isn't really a pain med, because it doesnt do anything for the pain, it makes you sleepy so you can doze off in between contractions. Finally at 7:30am I got an epidural, it was wonderful. I slept for 2 hours and woke up at 10 cm!! :)

I pushed for one hour and Rachel Elizabeth was born at 11:11am on Friday May 19th! She weighed 7 lb 6 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long.

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